vendredi 27 janvier 2012

Cause DevieDenny You're amazing

27 January 2012

Hari ini special banget buat temen kita si denny sama si devie
ecie, yang hubungannya udah sampe 1 tahun..
congratulation ya guys ! Long last forever and ever

tadi udah so sweet banget dah pokoknya
dari mulai dikasih hadiah "cake" dari dapur coklat :9
dibikinin puisi..
aaah, udh ga bisa dijhelasin pake kata-kata deh..
apalagi, pas kita semua nyanyi buat devie..

jadi, kita udh liat gitu si denny nangis gara" terharu
terus kita tanya, " napa den, kok mau nangis begitu ?"
dia jawab, "katanya devie, devie ga tega makan kuenya"
unyu ya ?
yaudah, kita kasih saran ajah, biar denny nyanyi buat devie..
tapi, dennynya kagak mau..
dia malu..
akhirnya, kita bantuin dia buat nyanyi..
kita sengaja pilih "just the way you are" soalnya lagu itu selalu bisa bikin cewek melting..

pertama, kita nge-pas'in nada..
bikin kata-kata buat denny..
tapi, rintangannya banyak buanget..
dari mulai reggy yang keluar masuk kelas..
pak gesti yang ngeyel mau masang jam..
mobilnya pak ardana yang alarmnya bunyi terus
dennynya salah-salah mulu..
mungkin butuh waktu setengah jam untuk nyelesaiin 2 menit 47 detik vn inii
dan hasilnya, UWALA ! surprise buat devie udh jadi :D
si denny yg ngomong duluan di voice note :

"Devie, aku mau nyanyi, tapi aku malu, jadi dibantuin sama jeane dan kawan2

dan, mulai

"huuu, huuu, huuu, huuu
ooh, her eyes her eyes make a star look like they're not shining
her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying
she's so beautiful
and i tell her everyday..
i know i know when i compliment her she won't believe me
its so its so sad to think that she don't she what i see
but everytime she ask me "do i look okay"
i say..
when i see your face
there's not a thing that i would change..
cause girl you're amazing just the way you are
and when you smile
the whole world stop and stares for a awhile
cause girl you're amazing
just the way you are"

pas disini berhenti dan macet sebentar, gara-gara lupa lyrics dan akhirnya inget

"her lips her lips i could kiss them all day if she let me
her laugh her laugh she hates but i think its so sexy
she so beautiful and i tell her everyday
you know you know you know
i never ask you to change
if perfect what you're searching for then just stay the same
so, don't even bother asking if you look okay
you know i say..
when i see your face
there's not a thing that i would change cause
just the way you are
and when you're smile, the whole world stop and stares for a while
just the way you are"

thanks to :
- hezki (guitarist)
- chika, tika (yang udah mau nyanyi)
- bimo (yang udah mau njagain kita dari guru-guru)
- mam ifa (yang gamau kasih tau guru-guru lain)
- denny (yang udah mau beraniin diri buat speak up)
dan terutama devie, yang udah mau dengerin suara kita..

this is the one of an unforgettable moment ever :)
thanks for reading :*

dimanche 22 janvier 2012

Neopolitan Dreams by Lisa Mitchell

23 January 2012

You go on I'll be okay
I can dream the rest away
Its just a little touch of fate, it will be okay
It sure takes its precious time, but it's got rights and so have I.

I turn my head up to the sky
I focus one thought at a time
I do not let the little thieves under my tightly buttoned sleeves
You couldnt be alone, the time I feel like I am walking blind
I have no where I'll have time.

There are no legible signs
There are no legible signs.

I like the way that you talk
I like the way that you walk
Its hard to recreate such an individual gait.

You wait your turn in the queue,
You say your sorry's and thankyous
I dont think you're ever
A hundred percent in the room.

You're not in the room
You're not in the room.

Deepest of the dark nights
Here lies, the highest of highs
Neopolitan Dreams, stretching out to the sea.

You wait your turn in the queue,
You say your sorry's and thankyou's
I dont think youre ever
A hundred percent in the room.

Youre not in the room
Youre not in the room.

thanks to fenny dezzania yuniherti
lagu ini selalu muncul tiap aku buka blog'nya dan lagunya catchy abis :3
yang mau tau lagunya, bisa buka disini

thanks for reading :*

samedi 21 janvier 2012


22 January 2012

Bonjour à tous!
Je sais que certains jours j'ai donné un poste qui a mis la langue française
et je pensais que c'était assez amusant

ok, juste..
en fait, aujourd'hui je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut donner quelque chose après ..
mais, je pensais que je voudrais partager un peu de ces lunettes !
parce que, j'ai aimé à collecter des ces lunettes..
En outre, les types tellement mignon
oui, nous allons commencer ..

1.) Polarized
ces lunettes devenu une tendance pour les alpinistes, les surfeurs et les cyclistes
parce que, fondamentalement, ces verres peuvent nous protéger de la menace de la lumière du soleil ..
par le port de ces lunettes, on peut voir clairement, même si le soleil brillait si brillant

2.) Aviator
ces lunettes pour le pilote a d'abord été créé par RAY BAN pour les pilotes United States Air Force
et, après que ces verres devenus très populaires en 1960

3.) Teashade
populaires dans la même année avec des lunettes d'aviateur avec ces lunettes qui ressemble à Harry Potter
Ces verres peuvent nous rendre l'air cool en face de nombreuses personnes

4.) WrapAround
ces lunettes sans le diviseur dans le milieu de cette
Initialement, popularisé par un groupe d'amateurs de sports extrêmes
parce que, ces lunettes peuvent être attachés à la pleine face
Ces lunettes peuvent protéger nos yeux contre le soleil et les menaces peuvent protéger nos yeux contre la poussière de petites
certains concepteurs célèbres réussi à créer une mode pour lunettes

5.) Wayfarer
dans la première conception par RAYMOND STEFEMAN en 1952
Ces lunettes sont incluses avec le meilleur design de lunettes, jusqu'à présent,
le modèle classique
est devenu un favori de beaucoup de gens, surtout quand le beau Tom Cruise usure dans l'industrie du cinéma à RISKY BUSSINES

(source : gadis stylish agenda)

merci pour la lecture :*

Regina's Story: Mutiara Bunda \m/

Regina's Story: Mutiara Bunda \m/: Hello guys. Eitsssss jangan salah sangka -_- Aku bukan anak mutbun hehe Cuman mau nge-post tentang temen" deket aku yg ada di mutiara bunda....

vendredi 20 janvier 2012

Burn Up!

21 January 2012

"Pas besoin d'être belle si vous habitez à juger
pas besoin d'être intelligent, si vous l'utilisez pour un crime
pas besoin d'être amical, si vous voulez vraiment voir vos amis échouent
pas besoin d'être célèbre, si ce n'est pas vous
pas besoin d'être riche, si vous ne voulez pas aider les gens qui ont besoin d'argent plus que vous
pas besoin d'amour, si vous venez de jouer avec leur coeur
Pas besoin d'être parfait, car personne ne "

mercredi 18 janvier 2012

Dedicated to all my Annoying People ♥

18 January 2012

Dear, Annoying People
You're weird, you're fvcking weird, you're annoying, you're talkative
you're loud, you're hyper, you're a badass, you're silly
you're not perfect, you're unperfect..
for this 3 Years with your presence
i already laugh and smile and cry and mad for more than a billions time
and i'm happy for it
it makes me feel alive like 100 years
let me tell you, our language when we on the class..
1.) Someone we hate make an another drama - we see eachother and we hold our laugh
2.) That moments when we LOFAO and teachers punish us
3.) That moment when we sings together and sing one part with a false notes
4.) That moment when we SCREAM LOUD OF LOUD while teacher's not in the room
5.) spend all day long with class clowns
6.) fall asleep when the math class started
7.) shout at the "Einstein" because she mad at us when we're be a noisy people in the world
8.) Spend all day talk about people
9.) Run very fast after lunch because we afraid of "truth or dare" from the teachers
10.) That moment when we shared the old story together, and said "i'm gonna miss you so much guys"
how many times, i tried to be normal, but since i met a loser like you, now i am me..
you were always behind me when i'm in trouble..
the 100 influence people in the world should choose you to be one of them
yes you're special, yes you're unforgettable, yes you're the special things more than a diamonds or my food..
Oh ! And..
when i grow up someday..
When i have a kids, and they asked me about my bestfriends..
"what's sun without moon, what's pooh without piglet, what's spongebob without patrick, what's ME without You?" -anon.
Your another annoying and idiot partners

Promotion for T.P.O.F

18 January 2012


cuma mau promosi ajah nih..
kami dari kelompok "Winner"
mau promosiin barang yg kita jual beberapa minggu ini

1.) pada tahu maicih'kan? yg lagi melebar luas itu..
nah, kita menyedia'kan makanan ringan/snack yg mirip dgn maicih..
YA ! "BUKAN SI EMAK" makanan ini ga kalah pedes, gurih dan enak'nya sama maicih..
dijamin ketagihan !
disini, kami punya 4 jenis kripik :
1.) Kripik Singkong (level 3, 5, 10)
2.) Kripik Basreng (Bakso Goreng)
3.) Kripik Kepang (Coming Soon)




semuanya, kita kasih harga murah ! cuma Rp.19.000 !
buruan beli ! Persediaan terbatas ;)

2.) suka nonton film ? addicted sama film ?
jangan ngaku addict kalo blm punya koleksi lengkap dari film-film ini
kami juga menjual berbagai jenis CD
film action - film comedy
harga 1 CD : Rp.8000
dan, lebih murah lagi, jika anda membeli 4 CD dengan harga : Rp.30.000 !
buruan beli !
*Pemesanan 3/2 hari sebelumnya
*CD berupa bentuk bajakan

3.) suka yg manis ? suka satnite'an bareng temen? atau, pecinta coklat dan asli surabaya ?

wah cocok banget nih !
kami juga menjual berbagai macam coklat disini !
dari mulai minuman coklat sampaaaai coklat batangan..
penasaran ? kami punya 3 jenis disini :

suoklat Batangan (memanjang) : kismis dan strawberry Rp. 12.000

suoklat Batangan (mengotak) : coklat krispi putih, coklat krispi susu, coklat krispi pekat Rp. 6000

minuman suoklat : coklat jahe, coklat kopi, dan coklat (original)


buruan pesen ! persediaan terbatas !





Hubungi :
Jeane Pin : 26B90154 / Telpon : 085730518494

bantu sebarin dan bantu beli ya teman"

thank you for reading :*

mercredi 11 janvier 2012

In Memorian Kenko

10 January 2012

tanggal 10 january ini, selalu jadi kenangan buat aku..

seekor anak anjing, yang lucu, yang menghibur, yang PINTAR, yang sangat sangat menggemaskan..
aku tau, ini lebay, ini alay, sedih dan nangis buat seekor anak anjing..
tapi, dia itu berharga..
yang mengucapkan selamat datang pertama kali adalah aku..
dan yang mengucapkan selamat tinggal pertama kali adalah aku..

seekor anjing kecil yang berusaha mati-matian untuk melahirkan seekor bayi anjing kecil ini..
sampai membawa nyawanya sendiri..
telah selamat dari maut, karena seekor bayi anjing kecil ini sudah berhasil keluar..
pada hari itu juga, ketika dia keluar, aku mengelus'nya dan bilang :

"selamat datang kenko"

(paling ini cerita cuma direkayasa) enggak ! sama sekali enggak, aku memang mengucapkan selamat datang kepada anjing kecil bernama kenko itu..
seiring berjalannya waktu, ken semakin pintar, dan semakin lucu..
dari semua anggota keluarga, yang paling sayang sama ken cuma aku..
yang mau ngerawat kenko cuma aku..
bukan berusaha untuk membanggakan diri sendiri, tapi, memang itu kenyataanya..

aku masih ingat, hari dimana kenko pertama kali masuk dapur..
lalu dengan teledornya, aku tinggal dia di atas..
mungkin, senggang antara lantai dapur dan ruang keluarga aku bilang pendek..
bagi kenko, itu maut..
dia terjatuh, dan yang jatuh adalah kaki kirinya duluan..
lalu kepalanya..
aku mendengar dia terkaing-kaing jatuh dari lantai itu..
aku lari, aku gendong dia, aku taruh dia di tempat tidur'ku..
aku ambil minyak, dan aku oleskan di pergelangan kakinya..
aku terus ciumi diah, dan terus menggendong dia kemanapun aku pergi..
aku buatkan susu untuk dia, dan biarkan dia berjalan, ternyata..
kaki'nya masih belom bisa di gerka'kan..
aku sampai sedih sendiri liat'nya..
aku biarkan dia tidur..
dan aku mhon kepada Tuhan :

"Tuhan, kasian kenko, biarkan kenko sembuh Tuhan"

selang 3 jam, aku lihat dia jalan..
akhirnya bisa..
aku senang + terharu + aah..campur aduk liat ken bisa jalan lagi..
dan, aku masih ingat..
dimana ken jadi bandeeeeel banget..
dia poop sembarangan, dan terpaksa aku harus mengelap poop ken dengan tanganku sendiri..
dia gigit tas aku sampai jebol..
yang bisa aku lakukan cuma ketawa..
saking lucu'nya dia, aku sampai tidak bisa marah..

dan, sampe pada akhirnya..
hari itu tiba..
ken terlihat lemas, ga berdaya..
ga bisa jalan..
aku gendong dia, aku peluk dia..
mamaku bawa dia ke dokter hewan, dan dokter bilang..
ken kena muntah ber..
ken sudah ga berdaya lagi..
dokter memberi segala macem obat..
sewaktu pulang dari dokter, dia baik" ajah..
ssudah sehat..
dan sudah bisa jalan..
dan, sewaktu aku pulang sekolah..
aku liat dia sudah membaik..
aku gendong dia dan aku pangku dia..
aku elus-elus kepalanya, aku ciumi kepalanya..
sampai pada akhirnya dia tertidur..

dan, ternyata..
aku tidak sadar.
dengan aku membuatnya tertidur..
aku mengantarkan ken Pulang..
kembali dimana dia diciptakan pertama..
aku coba memindahkan ken, dan membangunkan ken..
dan hasilnya nihil..
ken ga bangun, ken ga bergerak..
aku menangis dan memanggil mamaku..


mama cuma bisa melihat saja..
aku menggendong dia, aku peluk dia..
ga peduli tetangga dan orang-orang dengar dan melihat aku menangis..
aku ga peduli..
pertama, aku sempat nggak terima..
tapi, rasanya, Tuhan masih belom bisa mewujudkan permintaanku saat itu..
dan, akhirnya, mama menyuruhku untuk menguburkan ken..
untuk pertama dan terakhir kalinya aku mengucapkan :

"Selamat tinggal ken, jeane sayang ken, ken baik-baik disana"

aku meutup ken dengan pasir..
dan aku tetap menangis..
aku gamau kluar kamar..
gamau makan, cuma diem di kamar..
belum apa-apa, aku sudah kangen sama ken..
tapi, pada saat itu juga..
aku sadar..
sudah tidak ada ringkihan ken mau masuk kamar..
sudah tidak ada suara lucu yang dilakukan ken saat menggiggiti barang-barangku
sudah tidak ada ke usilan ken masuk kamarku tidak permisi dan poop disitu..
tidak ada lagi yang menemaniku tidur..
sudah tidak ada lagi, anjing kecil lucu, menggemaskan, PINTAR dan menghibur..

Selamat tinggal ken..
kenangan bersamamu, adalah kenangan terbaik yg aku pernah dapatkan..

In Memoriam..
Kenko 11. 11.11 - 10.01.2012

thanks for reading.. :*

Take all of Me by Hillsong

11 January 2012

I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me

I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me

You broke the night like the sun
And healed my heart with Your great love
Any trouble I couldn't bear
You lifted me upon Your shoulders

Love that's stronger
Love that covers sin
And takes the weight of the world

I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me

You stand on mountain tops with me
With You i walk through the valleys
You gave Your only Son for me
Your grace is all I rely on

Love that's stronger
Love that covers sin
 And takes the weight of the world

I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me

I love You
All of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
Take all of me

I love You so, and I give up my heart to say
I need You so, my everything


11 January 2012

sapa yang disini pada mau naik ke 1 SMA ?
angkat kaki ! -_- eh..
pasti kalian udah tau donk yang namanya "hukum coulomb"

hari ini, aku ada PR IPA (padahal disekolah jarang bgt ada PR Tuhan T_T)
isinya itu hukum coulomb semua, yang aku bisa kerjain cuma 7 dari 15 nomer
ngenes banget cuma bisa ngerjain sampe segitu doank -_-
cuma rumusnya doank yang aku tau :
"fariz, kaki ku remek-remek"

F = k . Q1 . Q2 / r *pangkat 2 (k = 9.10 *pangkat 9)

udah, terusnya, kagak tau -_-
jadi, bagi adek kelasku yang tercinta..
kalo udh naik ke kelas 9..
terus gurunya ngajar tentang hukum coulomb..

"Bu ! Saya tingal di Indonesia, seharusnya kita belajar pake Hukum dasar negara Indonesia bukan Hukum Coulomb bu !"

saya yakin 90% anda akan mendapatkan garansi di rumah sakit karena digampar guru sendiri -_-
(jayus banget)

okeh sekian tentang hukum coulomb
terima kasih :*

lundi 9 janvier 2012

I got my self in blue

09 January 2012


The sounds of the raining keeps drooping..
take a deep breath then keep it strong
i'm sitting back at the windows, staring the rain drops get down one by one
the smell of the wet grass
the smell of the cold air..

no one there, just me..
wanted for something that never comes..
but i still dreaming..
let my self laid back on my wall..
oh sorry, i break my promise to not crying for you again..

never know and never want to know..
what's happens next..
when i see you fade, and your shadows comes along when you're gone..
i scream, but still..
i do not exist on your heart or on your mind..

it is like, when you face the death and still can feels the pain..
it is killing me, i swear..
i wish you are here..
but i realized, you're gone forever..

the beautiful eyes..
the beautiful laugh
and the way you talk to me..
everything change when you're here
so does it changes when you're gone..

can you turn back and listen?
this heartbeat turn so slow..
and then it stopped..
when you choose to not turn back and keep walking..
then for the last time, i said..

rada ga nyambung kali ya? -_- hahaha.

vendredi 6 janvier 2012


06 January 2012

hello guys :)

so, today aku mau cerita soal pitsaphobic..
atau bisa dibilang : fear of pizza..
(source :

sebenernya, aku salah satu dari pitsaphobic itu..
aku baru tau kalo aku pny pitsaphobic itu waktu aku kelas 5 SD..
mamaku delivery pizza buat aku..
dan ternyata, waktu aku makan, aku muntah-muntah dan sakit panas selama 3-5 hari -_-
alhasil, sampe sekarang, aku trauma makan pizza dan sejenisnya..
bau'nya ajah udh ga tahan..
beberapa org udh mbujuk aku buat mkn pizza..
tp, aku tetep gamau..
intinya, aku paling ga suka yg namanya pizza/ makan pizza..

thanks for reading :*

jeudi 5 janvier 2012

Selamat Jalan

06 January 2011

Halo semua..
langsung intinya ajah ya?

masih inget post yang aku tulis tentang bu retno?
seorang pahlawan tanpa pamrih yang selalu mengajariku tentang Tuhan dan keselamatannya?
ya, seorang yang disayang Tuhan itu, sudah pulang dimana dia diciptakan pertama..
seseorang yang bagaikan ibu keduaku itu sudah pergi..
jujur, aku sedih..
jujur kami semua sedih..
tp, cuma se-utas kata yang kami bisa sampaikan kepada bu retno..

"bu retno, selamat jalan, makasih buat semuanya ya bu, kita sayang bu retno ♥"

seseorang yang teguh, kuat, dan berani melawan penyakit kanker itu..
sudah berhasil melawannya dan kembali ke Rumah Bapa..
terima kasih buat semuanya bu..
ibu tetap menjadi yang terbaik bagi kami..

"Bapa mengasihi Anak dan telah menyerahkan segala sesuatu kepada-Nya. Barangsiapa percaya kepada Anak, ia beroleh hidup yang kekal" - Yohanes 3:35-36a

thanks for reading :*
GBU all

Alm. Bu Retno :

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

The Mixpod please ?

05 January 2012

yea yea..
i know, there are two mix pod in my side bar..
sebenernya, lagu-lagu yang di mixpod pertama itu salah..
pengen ganti gitu maksudnya..

cuma, gara-gara cuma pengen majang anjingnya, ya aku taruh ajah disitu..
terus aku buat mix tape baru lagi..
sebagian lagu di mixpod yang baru ini gabisa di puter :'(
dan gatau kenapa..

well here it is the song list on my second mixpod :

1.) All That I Need Is You by Andrew De Torres ft. Cady Groves
2.) All About Us by He is we ft owl city
3.) Just The Way You Are by Bruno mars
4.) So sick by Ne-yo
5.) With You by Chris brown
6.) Fireflies by Owl City
7.) Butterfly fly away by miley cyrus
8.) Speak now by Taylor swift
9.) We'll be alright by Bruno mars
10.) Enchanted by Owl City
11.) Enchanted by Taylor Swift
12.) i will always remember you by Miley cyrus
13.) Better than revenge by Taylor Swift
14.) The fear by lily allen 
15.) If I ain't got you by alicia keys
16.) Girls falls like dominoes by Nicki minaj 
17.) Campus by Vampire Weekend
18.) Heartbeat by stereo skyline
19.) Sugar Rush by Cash cash
20.) Raise your glass by PINK
21.) Loser Like Me by Glee Cast
22.) Hey there Delilah by Plain White T's
23.) Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes Ft. Adam Levine (Avery cover)

yang ga bisa di puter yang bagus semua huaaaaa :'(
dan, parahnya, lagu itu kesukaanku semua :(

sekian curhatanku tentang mixpod. :*
thanks for reading *kisses

All That I Need Is You by Andrew De Torres ft Cady Groves

05 January 2012

Darlin' when you wake up you'll be laying next to me
You've got my stomach in knots my heart tangled up in a dream
I wanna build you a home where our children can roam around free
Baby, live in a box just as long as you stay beside me

When I run around in circles this whole time
We are perfectly imperfect and that's just fine
I've been waiting for someone like you my whole life

And I just wanna say, yeah
All that I need is you
All that I need is you
All that I need is you

Let's go head to the park, grab a blanket, we'll lay in the grass
Pointin' out the shapes in the clouds while we kiss and we laugh
Every day when I'm in for work, you'll straighten my tie
I shed a few tears every time that we say goodbye

When I run around in circles this whole time
We are perfectly imperfect and that's just fine
I've been waiting for someone like you my whole life

And I just wanna say, yeah
All that I need is you
All that I need is you
All that I need is you

All that I need is you
All that I need is you
All that I need is you

All that I need is you
All that I need is you
All that I need is you

mau tau lagu'nya? here it is

Thanks For the Butterflies

04 January 2012

hey there, so..this post is belongs to you..

you're the one that make this heartbeats turn so fast..
you're the one that make me smile everyday
you're the one that make my sweet dreams exist again..

your smile, your eyes, your laugh..
it is not like a gravitation that make you stay, but him..
nothings better than see his laugh, smile and his craziness

that moment when i start stalking you everywhere and you turns your head to me..
then i cover my face with my hands, and giggle at the same time..
pretends that nothing happens

that moments when i start feel tickling because of my butterflies in my stomach start to fly everywhere
make me look like a mess and make me hard to breath..
but, i think, i love it..

that moments when i laugh and smile because i thinking of you..
and my friends though that i'm being crazy at the same time
well, i guess i am

i love it when i smile and you're the reason behind it..
i love it when i can't sleep and you're the reason behind it.
i love it when you're come to my head and disturbing my mind when i was studying
i love it i love it, i love it

God, thank you to let him come to my wolrd..
thank you for creating him..
thank you for make my day..
thank you for everything that you've done with him..
thank you so much

thank you for reading :*

We'll be alright by Travie McCoy or Bruno Mars

04 January 2012

We are young, we run free
Stay up late, we don't sleep
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

Tonight you won't be by your self-self
Just leave your problems on the shelf-shelf
You won't wanna be nowhere else-else
So let's go, so let's go (we got the club like)

(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) and all the girls sayin'
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) the whole world sayin'
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) yeah, yeah, come on let's
Get drunk, toast it up, we don't give a f*ck

We are young, we run free
Stay up late, we don't sleep
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

Throw our hands in the air
Pretty girls everywhere
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) alright, alright, alright
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) ah, ah, ah, ah
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) alright, alright, alright
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) ah, ah, ah, ah

We walk the streets like we don't care-care
Our middle fingers in the air-air
So come and join us if you dare-dare
Yeah let's go, yeah let's go (we got the club like)

(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) and all the girls sayin'
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) the whole world sayin'
(hoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo) yeah, yeah, come on let's
 Get drunk, toast it up, we don't give a f*ck

We are young, we run free
Stay up late, we don't sleep
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

Throw our hands in the air
Pretty girls everywhere
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

It feels like, ahh-ah-ah-ah-ah
(It feels good, don't it ?) ahh-ah-ah-ah-ah
(yo, yo, yeah, d-don't it ?) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(yeah) We'll be alright (ahh!)

It feels like, ahh-ah-ah-ah-ah
(It feels good, don't it?) ahh-ah-ah-ah-ah
(yo, yo, yeah, d-don't it?) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(yeah) We'll be alright (uh-huh, ha-ha)

We are young, we run free
Stay up late, we don't sleep
Got our friends, got the night
We'll be alright

Throw our hands in the air
Pretty girls everywhere
Got our friends, got the night
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
We'll be alright

"We are young, we run free, stay up late, we don't sleep, got our friends, got the night, we'll be alright"
Travie McCoy version here
Bruno Mars version here

Toronto Class

04 January 2012

Hello guys !
gimana nih liburannya?
seneng donk pastinya, seru donk pastinya..

hari ini, aku mau cerita soal my old EF class and the new one..
i friggin' miss my Toronto Class (my old class)
rasanya beda banget tanpa mereka itu..
dibandingin sama kelas baru'ku, aku lebih suka kelas lamaku :'(

kelas baru'ku ini biasa banget..
ga ada nggereget'nya sama sekali..
no competition and spirit at all..
jadinya males banget kalo masuk EF..
kalo pas di kelas lama sih..
wah ! semangat banget !
sekarang, kelas'ku lagi di ajar sama miss iik
menurutku, miss iik itu orangnya asik..
seru, and, many experience i got from her..
tapi, gara-gara kelas'ku yang so so begini, jadi kesannya biasa ajah..

i want them back :
  • Manny
  • Filsah
  • Yuli
  • Arya
  • Kevin
  • Jerry
  • Yuli
  • Lavenda
  • Chika
  • Belinda
i miss you guys, i really do ♥
i wish i can back to the pass, and have more time with them and say that i love them so so so so much
nahlo ! panjang banget ya -_-
intinya : I MISS MY TORONTO CLASS ! titik.

thanks for reading ♥ :*

lundi 2 janvier 2012

Cute Couples and I'm Still single??!!

02 January 2012

selamat sore semuaaaa :*
hari ini, gue mau cerita soal cute couple di tumblr dan di youtube..
i choose



first, savannah and jared..

pertama kali gue liat mereka itu di (tumblr)
dan gatau kenapa, dari pertama kali liat..
mereka keliatan cute bangeeeeet..
yaudah, gue coba cari video mereka di youtube, dan..
found it !
semakin diliat, mereka semakin cute awwh..
both are 14 or 15
so here it is some video about them..

and, btw, those video isn't mine..
buat video yg lain, bisa cari sendiri di youtube..
savannah's tumblr :
jared's tumblr :
long last guys :3

second, becca and connor
gue baru tau mereka barusan..
dan, gue liat-liat mereka cute juga :3
mereka tinggal nggak berdekatan, dan mereka pertama kali ketemu ya di youtube kalo nggak salah..
both are about to 19..
so here it is the video..

mereka udah 2 tahun berhubungan, langgeng yah ? :D
mereka udah engaged, si connor udah tunangan sama becca..
wah, congratulation guys !
Becca's youtube channel :
Connor's youtube channel :
long last guys :3

third, nah, ini..temen sekelas gue..
dan pacarnya, richard..
mereka udah hampir 2 bulan !
hehehhe :D
angel umurnya 14, dan richard 18..yes, richard is a freshman
mereka itu cute, romantics couple, hehehe :D
dan, mereka jadian di tanggal bagus, hahahaha 11/11/11
ga ada video'nya sih, tapi ada foto'nya..
nyusul ya hehehe..
long last ya guys !


02 January 2012

Hey everybodeeeeh!!

so, today i'm doing my nails..
aku ga pny kuku panjang-_-
tapi, gara" aku pengen pake nail polish ya di iya"in ajah
nail polish'ku terbatas warnanya..
yah, habis, udh lama banget ga pake nail polish ..
sekitar, 2 tahunan lah..

jadi, semua nail polish'ku kering, kecuali yang warna merah sama bening..
karena yg warna merah itu norak, jadi aku pake ajah yang bening..
dan karena yg warna bening itu biasa" ajah, akhirnya, aku tambahin glitter juga..
tau deh, ini glitter dapet dari mana..

first step..
i fill up my nails with the invisible nail polish one by one..
kalo langsung semuanya nanti keburu kering-_-

second step..
i open the glitter and spread it to my wet nail polish on my nail..
aku naruh glitter di tisuue, terus aku tempelin di nail polish'ku yang masih basah..

third step..
i do the same way to the other nails..

fourth step..
wait until it drys..

final step..
after it dry, i polish up my nail so it can be permanent for a while..

berantakan banget ya? huahahha, harap maklum ya :)
thanks for reading :*
buhbyeee ♥

dimanche 1 janvier 2012

Nom Nom !

01 January 2012

wohoo ! so its a first day of 2O12 ?
HURRAAAAAY ! *tebar bunga bangkai
so, karena gue gatau mau nge-post apaan..
padahal lagi pengen nge-post.. -_-
jadi, mau, tidak mau ! kalian harus baca 100 (or more or less) facts about me.
MUAHAHAHAH ! *evil laugh
here it is..

*1OO (or more or less) FACTS ABOUT ME !!
1.) My name's Fanuel Jeane Cyrilla Pavitta Kunsiang

2.) I'm 14
3.) Landed to the earth on 20 September 1997
4.) I'm Christian (and, i'm proud of it)
5.) Singleeee (yessss. i'm forever alone)

6.) have 2 mom ! EPIC.
7.) laugh to my self, because i'm so damn. funny
8.) yes i have twitter. yes i'm exist (@Jeaneinthehouse)
9.) yes i have tumblr. no i'm not famous (
10.) i'm hot
11.) i'm sexy (and i know it ;D)
12.) i hate pizza
13.) << my lucky numbeeer..
14.) i love glasses
15.) i loveee my guitar

16.) i have a deep heavy voice
17.) 165cm
18.) smart (lololol)
19.) i love sneakers
21.) i love JOKES
22.) Extraordinary
24.) attractive
25.) i love watching movies
26.) i love black
27.) stars
28.) beaches
29.) wave
30.) i love all that stupid and hilarious people (My bestfriends)
31.) i love food
32.) i can't dance
33.) i love music
34.) my sweet adorable dogs..
35.) i love kristen stewart
36.) i'm talkative
37.) i only date someone once
38.) i love taylor swift and taylor lautner
39.) i love selena gomez
40.) i love jazz music
41.) my inspiration - Jesus, Martin Luther King, Ludwig van beethoven, Nick Vujicic, and Derek Redmond
42.) i heard a music w/ my earphone and walking alone in the streets pretend that i have soundtrack in my life..
43.) i H4t3 SuM1 Wh0 TyP3 LyK3 DisS
44.) swimming
45.) surfing
46.) swimming athlete ♥
47.) games
49.) that sweet, adorable, understanding boys with a poisons with his laugh or smile ♥
51.) i'm tired typing this
52.) i hate that people who act like they know everything, calm down yo
53.) i hate a liar
54.) i want macbook so bad.
55.) i love quinn shephard
56.) i love george sampson
57.) i love dormitory (even, i never been there)
58.) i love watching cute couples like savannah and jared or angel and richard ;)
59.) i hate that drama queen at school
60.) i hate playboy
61.) i love braiding my hair
62.) i love a smile or laugh on a boy..
63.) i love twilight.
64.) i wanted to go to Australia
65.) i wanted to go to America
66.) i wanted to go to Europe
67.) i wanted to go to France
68.) i love british accent, it sounds sexy..
69.) i'm a great singer at the bathroom
70.) it wasn't easy write this. eh? -_-
71.) that kissing scene on the movie under the rains
72.) i hate biting my toung (it hurts so baaaad!)
73.) big is beautiful
74.) i love this quotes - "don't let anyone look down on you because you're young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love and in purity
75.) i love that butterflies in my stomach when i see my crush
76.) i love sushi
77.) i wanted to have a scholarship
78.) divorced family ._.
79.) strong girl, maybe..
80.) a van
81.) a stuff i do with my bestfriends
82.) i easily get hungry..
83.) that beautiful and famous girls on twitter/tumblr
84.) i love to express my self in front of the people
85.)  unforgettable moment..
86.) i can't breath under the water ._.
87.) what am i gonna write again ?
88.) silly face :3
89.) i can't say something rude to people if they have that puppy face
90.) i can split my tongue
91.) sleeping
92.) that oldish things
93.) i love that J : Jesus, Justin and Jelly
94.) i love cupcakes
95.) party time when my parents go out
96.) snack and cookies
97.) i easily get jealous
98.) i have a bad habits, biting my nail..
99.) i easily get nervous
101.) i love @alyssadaguise and @antoinetruchet
102.) i love chicken nuggets and mcd
103.) pancake and cupcakes
104.) my head reflect when i see a mirror
105.) proud to be different
106.) that quite moment at the night only cricket and wind blows the grass
107.) my name spelled "JEN' not jinny or jenny -_-
108.) don't write my name JEN..
109.) the annoying moment when you moving your nails on the wall
110.) never good when i'm take a picture
111.) sissy is funny HAHA
112.) 55kg
113.) feet : 40
114.) i'm sucks at basketball
115.) dark brown skin, like milk coffee ?
116.) i'm suck at math
117.) getting bored easily
118.) i'm on Multimedia crew at my church
119.) i wanted to fly so bad
120.) i love being silly
121.) i hate that stupid morons that bullying people
122.) i hate bully
123.) << ONE TWO THREE
124.) no idea.
125.) prefer sprite than fanta, but prefer fanta than coca-cola
126.) i love mayonnaise
128.) i never finished my diary..
129.) i love selena gomez
130.) i prefer hot pants than mini skirts
131.) i love making a video
132.) feel sad for no reasons
133.) that moment when boys make a sad face and they're handsome i was like..asdfgfhjkl
134.) its weird when boys act like they're the strongest person in the world..
135.) i prefer reading books then watching tv (except the tv programs is good)
136.) i though sea horse are big or huge, then i realize that it small like my pinky -_-
137.) i always dream something sweet w/ my crush (what ashamed -_-)
138.) i hate it when my ears popped out, you know what i mean?
139.) act like i can rap, but i can't
140.) yes, i still in love w/ crop tee
141.) that moment on the gadgets store and you try everything..
142.) go away and run after press the dolls button and won't stop make a sound
143.) i hate being touched by people
144.) i hate being ticklish, my hand will hit them if they're doing that
145.) when i read a book i always pretend i was the part of the book..
146.) enid blyton and stephenie meyer are my fav. authors
147.) can someone tell me new books i can read?
148.) I enjoyed my self being single and free
149.) guess what? I'm still virgin ! :D
150.) that breathtaking moment when my crush say hi
151.) that heartbeat when he say hi
153.) oh ! and i love you all ♥
*inspired by sisca ( :*

cheers to young love..
fanueljeane's ♥