samedi 31 décembre 2011

twenty and twelve

01 January 2012

Happy New Year 2O12 EVERYBODEEEH !!!

There's so many kaleidoscope memories in 2O11
that we're all can't fvcking forgot this memories :
Love ♥
Fight !
Sadness :(
Tears :'(
Forgiveness :)
Blessed o:)
Thankful :D
and, many more..
So, like usually..
we wish that this year will be or must be nice for us..
God Bless You all

many kisses..

We are excited for..

vendredi 30 décembre 2011

I Remember by Mocca

30 December 2011

this songs decicated to my birthday girl..
Happy Birthday Brigitta Angela Natalie Adiwidjaya

I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember

I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar

I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. The way you read your books,
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most,
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me,
yes I remember

check the songs (hereeeeee)

lundi 19 décembre 2011

Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes ft Adam Levine

19 December 2011

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note o-oh

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
So sing along to my stereo

[Travie McCoy]

If I was just another dusty record on the shelf
Would you blow me off and play me just like everybody else
If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that
Ye-yeah, chicka Travie, I can handle that
Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks
It's just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks
I used to used to used to used to, now I'm over that
Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts

If I could only find a note to make you understand
I'd sing it softly in your ear and grab you by the hands
To keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune
And know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you


My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
So sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh, to my stereo
Oh oh oh oh, so sing along to my stereo

[Travie McCoy]

If I was an old-school, fifty pound boombox
Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk
Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops
And crank it higher every time they told you to stop
And all I ask is that you don't get mad at me
When you have to purchase mad D batteries
Appreciate every mixtape your friends make
You never know, we come and go like on the interstate

I think finally found a note to make you understand
If you can hit it, sing along and take me by the hand
T' keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune
And know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you


My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note o-oh

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
So sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, to my stereo
Oh oh oh oh, so sing along to my stereo


I only pray you'll never leave me behind (never leave me)
Because good music can be so hard to find (so hard to find)
I'll take your head and hold it closer to mine
Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind


My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note o-oh

Make me your radio
'N turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
So sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, to my stereo
Oh oh oh oh, so sing along to my stereo

beruntung banget waktu itu begadang sampe jam2, MTV muterin lagu ini..

dan ternyata aku suka..
hahahha, lucky bisa nemuin lagu beginian..
here it is the (songs)

thanks fo reading

The Power Of Focus ADVENTURE !

14 December - 17 December

LAMA TAK JUMPA ! :") kangeeeeeen..
maaf ya, beberapa minggu ga nge-post gara" ada ulangan and outbound..
so, langsung ajah ya..

aku barusan buka google dan search "Let it snow"
and you know what's happening next ?
YUP ! snow all over google :D
keren banget ya, google sekarang..
tambah canggih :')
kalian juga bisa coba..
search "Let It snow" di google search box, aaaand you ca see snows fall down and your frozen screen..

sebenernya, bukan itu inti dari cerita yang mau aku post-in ini..
tapi, aku mau cerita, tentang gimana serunya ikut outbound sekolah srlama 4 hari berturut-tururt..
jadi, ada dua lokasi yang akan kita tempati untuk sarana outbound..
1.) Desa Ponggok..
dan, yang ke
2.) Kasumi Resort

Hari pertama 14 December 2011
Desa Ponggok, Mojokerto..

Tahu lalu kita juga outbound di lokasi ini..
tapi, tahun lalu sama sekali nggak terlalu bagus..
jadi, aku hampir trauma, dan ga mau lagi balik ke daerah sini..
kami berangkat dari sekolah jam 08.00 dan, kami semua naik bus..
di perjalanan aku udah takut banget, tempatnya beneran disitu lagi ga ya ?
pas udah sampe, ternyata..
bener dugaanku ! kita outbound di tempat tahun lalu..
rasanya, pengen nangis + pengen cepet" pulang..
Tuhan, kenapa di tempat ini lagiii ?
akhirnya, aku berusaha untuk pasrah dan jalanin semuanya..
aku tanya sama kakak pembimbing..
brp lama hari kak kita stay disini ?
dan mereka jawab..

cuma satu hari ajah kok dek.

thanks God, cuma sehari..
dalam hati, aku bilang sama diriku sendiri..
stary strong jeane, cuma sehari..

kami semua dibimbing oleh coaches-coaches yang sudah terlatih..
yup ! kakak kelas kami, kakak SMA Mutiara Bunda..
ada kak Yosua, kak Febry, kak Iko, kak Iqbal, kak Michael, kak Franz, kak Natal, kak Nana dan kak Anthoni.
semua berjalan lancar, jam pertama, kita dance bebas, buat refreshing, dan jam kedua kita latihan yel" buat The Power Of Focus..
gini nih yel"nya :

The Power Of Focus..
make a move ! WESS ! make a move ! WESS ! make a move ! Wess
Say yes ! YES ! say yes ! Yes ! Say yes ! Yes
Incantation ! PAY NOW PLAY LATER ! Incantation ! PAY NOW PLAY LATER ! Incantation PAY NOW PLAY LATER !

keren kan ? keren donk pastinya..
oh iya, ada sebagian juga yang ga ikut, anak-anak basket sama vinda.
aaah, coba kalian ikut, pasti seru banget..
jam 3 kita pembagian kelompok, dan pembagian ketua..
aku masuk ke kelompok 6 sama :
amel, nando, rio, ike, timothy, putri, sama stanley..
total, ada 8 anak

lundi 5 décembre 2011

First Day

05 Desember 2011

Hey Guys !
so, aku bohong soal aku off sementara di peradaban internet
hehehehehhe ~(‾▿‾~) ~(‾▿‾)~ (~‾▿‾)~

not because i'm addicted to it..
tapi, aku mblenek (mual) liat buku pelajaran terus..
(padahal, baru hari pertama UAS)
hari ini pelajaran agama + PKN..
dua mata pelajaran sekaligus ! ._.

i felt so stupid soalnya, aku celingukan mulu dari awal ulangan sampe akhir ulangan..
(enggak sih sebenernya) hehhe..
mungkin, sebentar lagi mamaku bangun dan bakalan nyabut semua modem'ku biar aku nggak nyeleweng main internet lagi..
hahahhha .
ini udah malem banget..
dan, aku kedatangan 3 tamu bule dari canada..
tau nggak ?
selama ini, aku lihat, orang-orang canada itu pendek-pendek..
contoh :
justin, jessie, dll.. ._.
tapi, 3 orang ini alamak, tinggi sampe tiang bendera..
nah itu, pas kenalan, saking nervousnya sampe lupa..
mungkin besok harus mulai kenalan lagi..

hey i'm jeane ;) *pasang tampang genit + menggoda*

oke, cuma bercanda ._.v
pokoknya besok goal pertama adalah..


oh iya, satu lagi..
temen aku si Ory Kinara 10 month anniversary sama pacarnya, si billy..

kapan aku bisa nyusul mereka, dengan menggandeng cowok bule disampingku..
mungkin, suatu hari lagi..

okeh.sekian blog'ku hari ini..
maaf sedikit aneh dan freak..
soalnya, aku dalam keadaan ngantuk berat..

thanks for reading :*

jeudi 1 décembre 2011


01 Desember 2011


1.) All the best for every people in the world.

2.) No more tears, or hurts
3.) A luckiness for my test.
4.) A great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day !
5.) A great Christmas Love story (i hope)
6.) I got what i want. (Christmas albums from Libera)
7.) December, please be nice.

Hello December !

01 Desember 2011

Halo semua !
Udah Desember nih :'3
bentar lagi natal *YEAAAAAAY*
tapi, ada UAS juga *YAAAAH*
untuk sementara, aku off dulu ya dari peradaban internet.
dan,balik ke jaman batu.. *nangis*
wish us luck for the test yah ? :)

bakal balik lagi setelah UAS dengan segudang cerita yang aku mau share ke kalian
i just can't wait ! (not for the test)
di postinganku berikutnya, aku bakalan cerita tentang sesuatu..
so just stay tune (apaan sih sok ngartis banget)